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What is the difference between authentication and authorization?

It is vital to note the difference here between authentication and authorization. Authentication verifies the user (Lucia) before allowing them access, and authorization determines what they can do once the system has granted them access (view sales information). Authorization systems exist in many forms in a typical technology environment.

What is authorization & why is it important?

Authorization is the security process that determines a user or service's level of access. In technology, we use authorization to give users or services permission to access some data or perform a particular action. If we revisit our coffee shop example, Rahul and Lucia have different roles in the coffee shop.

What is the difference between authentication and access control?

Access control enforces these policies. If we compare authentication and access control, the comparison between authentication and authorization still applies. Authentication verifies the user's identity, and access control uses this identity to grant or deny access.

What is authentication and why is it important?

Authentication defines the practice of verifying that the user is who they say they are. The goal is for an application or service to trust that the user interacting with the system is indeed who they claim to be. In order for the system to trust the user, the user needs to present some level of proof of who they are.

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